Anecdote 2 , or "an experience", or "PIGEONS"

Some rat or general rodent was living behind the fridge. Every two weeks the landlord and his team of capable rat extortionists came to inspect things and put into action the next step in what became a TWO MONTH process. I am not supposed to be living here as it is a one-person flat and so on, so I have to vacate for a while, after eliminating obvious signs of my presence. I am a frightened boy in this current decade. Lacking tranquilizers or self-hypnosis skills, I resort to alcohols for this little forced excursion. Alcohols in little plastic bottles carried in a little bag.

I aim for the river. (see compulsory cats, see art tunnel) I encounter some pigeons. There are male pigeons and female pigeons, I reason this is the normal arrangement of pigeons in our city-spaces. I observe their mating techniques, make sketches. The blind ever-seeking-to-propagate worries me. The male pigeon coos with a full curved throat to attract the attention of the more slim female. When the male is assured she is paying attention, he dances with head bobbing, describing a half circle with careful dignified feet clockwise, then counter-clockwise. The female watches. Usually, she moves on. There is stuff to eat on the floor and a few other males a-courting.

What is this life-force making such an effort? I read a book that mentioned experiments with flies. Breeding generations in the dark makes them born blind, and eventually they learn to communicate by tapping the floor. Previous mating rituals are forgotten and impossible. Their environment alters "a courtly dancer to a blind tapping rapist".


  1. Humans are a lot like pigeons, and flies, and rats.I like your sketches. I think you should sketch a fly and a rat. Together...perhaps conversing. Have little speech clouds too showing what they are conversing about.

  2. "it's life lad. At your age it makes you laugh. But one day it will make you bloody cry"

    -from the film "the family way"
