Little Book #3

"Work Planet , Welt Space" is a little book experiment in mini-space-opera. So there is a space-ship or space-craft, whichever you prefer. There probably should be a fleet of space craft ships. There probably should be a villain (an "evil villain" I almost wrote), some sort of huge plot, intrigue, politics, an alien race or 6, "new-types", a heroic hero who "develops", biceptically, also intellectually, also romantically, with the heroine, who is like She-Ra and is good at kicking. I think I left out most of those things. So it is a mini-space-viola-solo.

I just re-finished this, and sent it somewhere they won't want it, to test the circumferences so to speak.

I am interested in anyone's responses.


  1. They didn't want it. I sent elsewhere. I altered things, added a paragraph near the end which goes something like :

    . [. . A sheer embarrassed weapon-shield, enthralled in crisis. Ran to and fro in despair? in confusion? at rampant data flashing by? in grim-not-knowing-but-feeling? in abrupt pressure change? in prickly ceiling collapse? in the swell of ship-side opening? in a fume of body-bait and mite?

  2. to now after such long time at last forthcoming in new genre #7 thankfully

  3. I say thankfully 1 yr + some months ago now unsay with no sign of the "new genre #7" / not "quite as yet" / yet I am waiting still with phantom "thankful" -- that's the nincompoop, I am.
