Al Pacino Anti-Olson Poetry . . .

. . . Seen in a Dream

excerpt:        the head block
the dead dad

the gigantic body of diffidence!

According to a recent dream, Al Pacino self-published a poetry chapbook as an attempt to "fire across the bow" of the Charles Olson forward-thrust. 30+ pages, mimeographed, with hand drawn crayon segments (mostly black oblongs)

other dream fragment, unknown authorship:

                what Prams to Bed,

Push for Dinner.

_here_ is another dream poem fragment I picked up, in a dream no less


  1. if I reach old age (like 76+) (unlikely) I can envisage the main "output" would be a series of 2 line poems, written whenever they could be managed, eventually forming a shiftable-in-sequence "late work".

  2. but you would be so tired, and already you are -- tired
