Love, Urination, Rape

Looking at Artaud things on google books, came across this thing of surrealists conversing, extracted some for you:

RAYMOND QUENEAU: The other day I was asked: 'Do you believe that there is a woman who is your destiny?' What does Artaud think?

ANTONIN ARTAUD: I've never believed anything else. I think it's highly probable that I'll never meet her.

ANDRE BRETON: What is this virtual notion of destiny? If you are not going to meet this woman, how can you say that she is destined for you?

ANTONIN ARTAUD: I will necessarily meet her, but perhaps not in this life. I would add that I have a very low opinion of this woman!

. . .
(soon Artaud leaves for reasons undisclosed)
. . .

RAYMOND QUENEAU: What would you feel about seeing a woman urinate?

ANDRE BRETON: If it's a woman I love, it could only be very pleasant.

YVES TANGUY: Very, very pleasant.

MARCEL DUHAMEL: Very exciting.

BENJAMIN PERET: Very pretty to watch, and pleasantly musical.

RAYMOND QUENEAU: It's very good.


PIERRE UNIK: It's never happened to me.

BENJAMIN PERET: What does Duhamel think about hearing a woman fart?

MARCEL DUHAMEL: It was one of the most unpleasant things I could remember when it happened to me a long time ago. Now, I don't think it would bother me.


JACQUES PREVERT: The less often the better.

ANDRE BRETON: Appalled by it.

YVES TANGUY: I don't care.

BENJAMIN PERET: Very unpleasant.

PIERRE UNIK: It must be very unpleasant.

. . .

RAYMOND QUENEAU: What do you think of rape?

BENJAMIN PERET: Absolutely opposed to it.

YVES TANGUY: Very, very good.

ANDRE BRETON: Absolutely hostile to it.

RAYMOND QUENEAU: It's the only thing that appeals to me.

MARCEL DUHAMEL: It doesn't appeal to me.

JACQUES PREVERT: I find it legitimate.

PIERRE UNIK: I am against it.