outer second cartilage

two publications in which the 1st and 2nd "little books" are interred. They appeared in the right order too, but I did only receive the 1st a few days ago, and wanted to image them together as you see here, on an item of clothing ("home wear") on the floor of the room we live in.

They both can be splayed to reveal fullsome image covers, also their colours are somewhat opposite. Also bothly, their nimbus of qualities
over several days gathered in the roomlight. (Some things lose lustre over time - it is better that they reveal it over time and then it is maintained at an apex, or perhaps adjustments too tiny to see happen from thereon. Or is something gained from outside itself?)

But you know all this already.

1 comment:

  1. why not destroy yourself you twat?
    takes too long otherwise twat.
