reassertion of beauty by 1 HACO recording

It's been quite a year already, enough already has happened, to keep several years well stocked with event. And this past month, it's ridiculous. And the feeling that it is not over, is ongoing, is resonance with resonance of reverberating chaos form strewn splayed / / through all space.

So it becomes important to keep reasserting a bit of beauty here and then when possible.

I got this cd from somewhere called "mole jazz" when I was a student (very briefly) in London. This song, the last on the album, always overwhelmed me. Now I know it is based on Okinawan song principles, which I take mainly to be the recursive with additions character of this song, that allows the feeling -- what is the feeling? -- a brittle happy-sad combined thing that could be said to be life itself, in a little example format -- go back and forth as waves do and accumulate a yearning-based emotion, a little outlet, then it's in once more, and opposite, repeat.

Haco also had a band called "after dinner", check their live stuff which should be visible as one of the "related video" things, one of many pathways, as the tubes provide and we follow, trace your own path anyway, and try to emit kindness, I consider this important, if I may please.

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