frail achievement #4

I seem to have spent the past 2 years writing an 80 page novella.  This seems foolish to me, and no doubt to you, dear blog..  Maybe I did other things also.  But not finished things.  Does it matter if you do something without completing..  A half act.  Like reaching for a cup, the bitter cup, but not drinking from it.  It is better for you that way. But.

whittling away the rubble and finding the light-emitting passages (LEPs) and binding them to their fellows in coherence.

... would be a reasonable description of the process, tho isn't it overly grandiose. In the days (2 years) of slow agglomerate guiding, I had reason to bear in mind the nuclear fact of "corium"

The corium will go critical every few weeks for a very long time to come. During critical times, iodine 131 is produced in an uncontrolled nuclear chain reaction. When there is enough reduction of heat, the chain reaction will stop for a while. This process will continue ad nauseum for hundereds, if not thousands of years.  

I may have found myself in a mode of excavations that collapses around what is excavated -- it is not a speedy process. Think of the earth, the very earth, shudders through time, reprises old construction, in enshudderments

+, for good or bad reasons, for better or worse, cherish and/or manipulate, I found inspiration in the following virginia woolf quote (think it is from a letter):

  "to be absent from dinner is the equivalent of being ill.  Nothing else will excuse us from it.  Bodily incapacity is the only apology valid."

After printing it out (it=the novella) in a convenience store it reposed for a while in the lovely 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ folder as seen below ~ before rudely being stuffed in an envelope, bare among the manila, and sent on a lonely and difficult voyage with likely no reasonably happy end, the poor document.

1 comment:

  1. indeed, it failed to reach its destination / the manuscript was lost and the opening for that particular venue was long-gone / it has since been otherwise transmitted elsewhere / no word yet
